Baitul Muslim???

bait al muslim

I recalled to a memory of myself during ‘ladies talk’ with my course mates. We talked about our personal plan after we graduated from MBA program. My answer was ‘I’m going to apply for Baitul Muslim’. He he he…

Just after that, I received a strange look from them which means ‘what on earth is that?’. So, I realize that Malaysian still unfamiliar with this phrase.

It is true that in this tech-savvy era, we can just google this phase to get the answer. However, when I googled it, all the findings on the front page addressing Baitul Muslim for a wedding. In fact, most of them offer  matrimonial facilities service for Muslimin and Muslimah in finding their life partner.

baitul muslim findings


But, is that all what Baitul Muslim mean? a wedding?

Absolutely not. Baitul Muslim means house of Muslim in Arabic words or we may call it as family. So, what I am planning to do after I finished my MBA program is start building a family.

People probably think that it is easy that all I need to do is  start to find a boyfriend, get engaged then proceed with a marriage soon after my final exam. So that, I will come back as a mum-to-be during my convocation day.

No. It is not the point. Baitu Muslim is neither just a wedding nor a marriage. It starts from finding a pious spouse and to find the him or her,  we should be a  good Muslim ourselves.

In that case, I would like to build my family according to Islamic law. I already started the preparation since lasted few years. Don’t get me wrong. I didn’t meant financial preparation but self preparation. I started with preparing myself with knowledge and skills. People always ask me to put effort in finding my Mr Right. Yeah, of course I did and I keep doing so. It is unfair to judge me that way just because my preparation is different from what other people do.

Yeah, I realize. My cooking skill is still limited. But, I keep improve it by time.

My financial is unstable but our rezeki is in the hand of Allah. Right?

and Opss, I am still single?… Since I never heard Rasulullah SAW had a relationship with Ummu Mukminin before he married them, who need a boyfriend to get married?

In shaa Allah, I will share about the important of Baitul Muslim in the next post and what make it  important til the preparation take years to finish? Stay tuned and see you soon.

Biiznillah… ^_^


❤ Miss Bee



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